Wishing each and everyone a blessed Christmas Flung across the universe
On an infinite beam of light Dancing with the rhythm of the heart beat In the pulse of humanity's cry here in this precious presence Of our souls sacred call Searching for the love it takes To receive God's precious gift to us all Today We remember that sacred birth We are remnant of the echoes still Of that song the one word that we heard That created this flesh and spirit merged As the spirit of the Holy Dove has emerged To be held in the form of Holy Son That holds the power of Christ’s love With the promise of our true worth And the holy Mother blesses all life and each redeeming new birth And with every soul there is this promise of life And each prayer there is a miracle heard By the Lord whose silent hope we serve And he smiles at us here As we celebrate this Christmas Day And all the good and wise ones have journeyed to be here today Have offered themselves to serve Love And send their blessings forth this day We are all on this long path That was birthed of the Mother’s love The children of God all gathered under The moon and the sun and Heaven above Breathing this spirit and calling his name Til we are redeemed once again To worship all the misery and glory of life And God’s amazing grace The darkness and light combined And there is a new hope born And we’re lifted to the higher way In this moment we are blessed To be here on Christmas Day Comments are closed.
February 2020
February 2020