today we honor Mother Earth
this spinning planet and place of birth and all the gifts that she freely gives she feeds us and allow us to live we're embraced with the beauty she displays the oceans and the rivers interplay the winged ones of the air who sing with love to us here the animals that she feeds the four legged ones we need the sacred earth we plant with seeds so abundant is this earth that feeds Mother earth now truly needs us to care for her and heal for all the damage and the greed by those who so thoughtlessly agreed to poison and rape her precious energy it's time for us to save the resource she's given us to care the stewards of the Earth agree it is time for people now to see we need to honor Mother Earth this place we live needs us to work together so we can find a way this sacred blue planet needs to be saved for this creation of such beauty is our home we must honor and respect it so we've been given so much you know to continue on we must nourish and grow we give our thanks to Mother Earth today and we celebrate this home God Gave let us all try to find a way to save this planet for our children today Comments are closed.
February 2020
February 2020