Be Transformed by understanding
The gift that the Holy Mother brings, For life is truly a miracle With the God’s power of love that heals. Her grace is alive and waiting As a blessing for you to find, Each breath holds the power of giving life With a love that is waiting inside. Breathe in this breath of love This Spirit is alive in you, Feel the living light of God And the love which is so true. Feel spirit and form merging Tap into that power to be, Transformed by the Holy Mother And Her magnificent energy. Open up your heart and soul, Open up your mind, Let your body receive the healing That is from such Love Divine. You are a living force of energy That can bless and serve the Lord, You can be transformed by the miracle And your greater purpose He adores. You can understand The holy gift of compassion for all, The Holy Mother is there to help us She can open up heaven's doors. And she has brought us miracles And she holds out her hand, We can reach and take it And let her guide us to understand. Ask for her Holy Guidance And allow Her presence to come, She is the Queen of Angels And blesses us always with Her Love. Comments are closed.
February 2020
February 2020