In the Holy Light of the Madonna’s Love A radiance shines forth to you, And softly she reaches out and speaks These words ring out so true. Come all ye who are pure of heart And let your soul be seen, Come all who seek my refuge here And I’ll provide you sweet sanctuary. Come all who are broken-hearted, Come all who have suffered with fear, Come all who are so weary, I’ll provide you peace in a safe space here. Cleanse away the past mistakes With the holy waters from the Source, Purify your past mistakes and ask to start anew. Let all of the old ways go And allow your self to be renewed. In the Holy Light of the Mother's gaze There is the power for you to see What is in the depths of your soul, With a promise of a better life to be. There is a Saving Grace here And She provides you with Her protection, With a sacred space to pray To find a Higher Way and She does say, "Come all ye who are in need of comfort, Come to this holy place, Where the Lord dwells in His kingdom And dwells throughout all time and space.I will provide you comfort, You will find such great peace, You will find the love here waiting And forgiveness will set you free." Comments are closed.
February 2020
February 2020