Again and again return to that Unconditional love,
my friend, For as you bring your life to love solutions You have a fertile field with which you can Live and grow your soul’s life purpose. For the soul and the Mother knows this love that has a home In the energy with which God granted life, And it can work and grow and blossom In the planted seeds that reflect The pure light of spirit in love. Each breath of love blossoms with the smile of beauty, And each smile of love helps heal the broken heart, And each heart that is open can understand That love is the greatest gift God gives. For spirit dwells in the heart of the mothers living love, And the light of this spirit holds the pure reflection Of God-spirit merging in humand As Earth and humanity bring this love to life, We become the consciousness of the living love of God, We become co-creators who live in the light of God’s love. We can feed the fire of the Holy Spirit With the fuel of our lives, For every time we choose love, We choose the resource God gave us for life. We can find passion for our life’s purpose, And compassion for those who suffer in the process Of learning how to forgive and live with love. So breathe the light of God’s unconditional love into your heart, Let this love light your soul, And connect you with your purpose, For God is love. So choose love, and at each opportunity, Love the perfect imperfection of being alive. Comments are closed.
February 2020
February 2020