Beloved Mary Queen of Angels
You who hold open heavens space, Help me to have compassion And forgiveness to heal the past, And bring me to your holy Grace. Mary Holy Mother, I call upon your energy I ask you bring the Holy Spirit To be alive inside of me. Let me share the breath of your being To live within the heart of God’s great love, I dedicate my path to the purpose That you have shown for me to know. With your tender understanding You open up the door To the chosen one And deliver me to the Lord. Let me be anointed By the holy waters from the source, Let it quench my thirst for the beloved One So I may serve as you would on Earth. Be my guide and teacher Let me honor the Light of your Golden Orb, For the world’s in needs of your mercy Let my love help to bring it forth. Bring the crown of stars you wear Down to circle me, Let me wear you're holy robe So I can be surrounded with protection To fulfill my destiny. Let me breathe that holy spirit Of the living light, So I may be with God in the service As a disciple in my life. Allow the grace of your being To transform my old mistaken ways, Let your inspiration guide me to you When I’m lost and know not what to do. Holy Mother full of Grace Remove the binds of egos ties, Unchain the limitations And Free me from the lies. Embrace me with your love May I see your face in others I pray, Let your life be an example That inspires me ever day. Speak with whispers to my soul Let your precious words be shown, To place upon life’s altar So I can offer them for others to know. Thank you Holy Mother For your patience and your grace, Thank you Holy Spirit For your presence that leads the way And guides me with patience and understanding every day. Comments are closed.
February 2020
February 2020