God is present right here and now
we are alive in His divine Energy we represent his life on earth with the choice to live with Spirit birthed in this form we use to live our life God is Always Present if we choose to recognize his energy is here within our lives so how do we live with this reality how we live with this love that's alive in you and me how do we honor this presence while here what's the best way to serve and persevere do we trust the process and let ourself be and instrument He plays that creates such heavenly melodies do we hold our chalice up and drink from the sacred cup that turns water into wine and do we sacrifice our life for what we know is right do we love a little more and shine his light so bright do we let His presence bring more purpose and understanding as we live with our life'ss true meanin do we merge with his presence and let his will be done and remember to always thank God for the gift of the blessings that come for God is presence is here if you allow you can breathe in his Spirit if you believe you can be merged as one with it right now g Comments are closed.
February 2020
February 2020