We celebrate Christmas at the darkest time of the year. What a great and magical time it is when we look up at the stars on Christmas Eve and sing "Oh Holy Night'
We celebrate Christ Mass, but we should also be celebrating Mother Mary for she is the one who brought forth the Light of the World. It has been always being important to bring light back into the world from the darkness. The mystical Mary was aware of the true gift she was bringing forth to the World. She was an advanced soul that was able to truly unite with God. When we unite with God there is a new birth. I believe it was a conscious birth and that God was there with her as she brought this beloved child forth to the World. I believe Mary really knew the need for the world savior to come and that this was her purpose and destiny. We can be delivered to Christ through Mother Mary. We can be the miracle brought forth to be reborn from darkness to Light. We can learn from the Mother as Jesus did for we are her beloved children just as he was. WE CAN BE CHRISTENED AT CHRISTMAS. What a great and magical time to allow the Christ to be reborn in our heart of hearts, Mary will help us to be delivered to that Christening. Take time to connect with the Holy Mother and Christ this Christmas. Share the gift of Love that we can all partake in when we follow the path as a disciple of Mother Mary and the Great Teacher her son Jesus Christ. I like to take the month of December and not only buy Christmas gifts, but also find time to listen to children sing Christmas carols. To find time to meditate with friends at the time of the Winter solstice. To reflect on how we can find a rebirth of the Christ Spirit in within us. For Christmas should not be a time of spending too much money and being stressed out. It is a Holy time of reflection and a sharing of love with friends, family and God. We can find a way to choose to make each Christmas sacred. A time to light the yule log symbolically by lighting that spark of God’s love once again in our hearts. We can Call on Mother Mary and honor her Divine Love. We can let Her help deliver us to the Christ within. Exercise 5 Things You Can Do to Make Christmas More Meaningful 1. Write a Happy Birthday Card to Christ 3. Light a Yule log or candle on the Winter Solstice. Meditate on the symbolic meaning of bringing light forth on the darkest night of the year. 4. Call upon the Mothers presence and give thanks to Her for bringing the Christ to the World. 5. Recommit yourself to allow the Christ light to be alive in your life. Make up a list that you would like to offer to others to make Christmas more meaningful. Comments are closed.
February 2020
February 2020