I am a child of the lord
grateful for a chance to experience life and sometimes accepting direction on the way out darkness to the light for I've been lost for so long in the wilderness aching for Gods loving embrace that compassionate forgiveness that understands how far in the world we can roam to try seek the perfect life which is never as good as We hoped I see this ever reaching upward to the infinite cosmic stairway home met in the cross of the vertical dream and the material horizon of the world we live in and our lives are just a staging place of this passion play in space and time a field of these strange dreams given to us to try to find out why and we are all Gods children these Spirits living here in form ever seeking and sometimes finding the reasons why we were born so I go within and talk to God and light a candle and pray to live with a little more understanding and try to love a little more each day and the Blessed Mother stands by with that smile upon her face and I wave at her sometimes and thank God for another chance today Comments are closed.
February 2020
February 2020